Margaux Dubois Margaux Dubois


Due to receiving a high volume of inquiries, I strongly recommend filling my contact form with all the information I require. I adore getting to know my suitors before planning a date, so do not shy away from a witty or lengthy introduction! I am passport ready and open to meeting you wherever you are with proper notice, of course. Lastly, as we are about to embark on a lovely journey together, I expect our communication to be compassionate, efficient, and respectful. Any incomplete, lewd, or otherwise inappropriate message will not be tolerated.

Before filling out the form, check my availability!

Availability in Canada & Beyond

Although I am based in Canada, I love to broaden my horizons and make new acquaintances. Included below are the dates I am available in various cities. Specific dates for US cities are provided after screening. If you find yourself wanting to meet me, but I don’t plan a trip to your home, I also offer Fly Me To You.

Location Dates
Montreal January 13 - January 22
Winnipeg January 24 - February 7
Montreal February 8 - February 28
USA March 1 - April 1